Season One YouTube Playlist

If you are running out of things to binge-watch, we’ve put together a playlist of our travels from last year for your watching pleasure: Season One 2019! The season starts in Rocky Mountain National Park in June 2019, makes a couple of loops around the country before returning to Rocky Mountain National Park in October 2019. The playlist ends with a video covering a recap of our first season and our plans for 2020. Although our 2020 spring trip was canceled due to COVID19, we’re hoping to start our travels as planned on June 1, 2020. If that’s not possible, then we’ll pick up our itinerary when we’re allowed, shortening our plans as needed. In the meantime, we’ll be making videos of the weekly hikes and walks around Colorado that we started in November 2019 as part of the 52 Hike Challenge. Make the most of your time at home and stay safe!



Hikes 1 to 4 in Colorado - November 2019


Rocky Mountain Autumn Drive - Oct 3, 2019